Cyber Essentials is a simple but effective, certified, UK Government backed cyber security scheme that will help you to protect your organisation, whatever its size, against a whole range of the most common cyber attacks. A report detailing the results of a human cyber security survey undertaken in March 2021 is here: (If you hover over the link you can see the web address of the article pop up on your web page)
Why should you get Cyber Essentials certification?
- Reassure members and customers that you are cyber aware and continually working to secure your systems and data against cyber attack
- Attract new business and members with the promise that you have cyber security measures in place; and
- you have a clear picture of your organisation’s cyber security level
How do we do this:
We start by mapping out your entire network using our CyberSmart app.
The app has four core functions:
- It collects essential technical information about each device on your network;
- It monitors your equipment and highlights user-level vulnerabilities, and checks that your systems’ various critical aspects are configured and working correctly.
- It provides a set of cyber and information security policy templates so the club may formalise its Cyber Security policies and procedures.
- It offers modular cyber awareness training to help improve cyber awareness amongst staff. Each module only takes about 10 minutes to complete and will equip your team with the knowledge to mitigate cyber threats. The training modules topics include: backing up data, passwords and password management, access control, phishing, identity theft and email etiquette.
Next, the CyberSmart software identifies vulnerabilities so they may be corrected. As a result of this exercise, we will have satisfactorily completed an audit of your systems and cyber environment and be ready to submit our application for Cyber Essentials certification.
The IASME issues the Cyber Essentials accreditation certificate and digital stamps which you may add to your website and email signatures. And, if your club is UK based, Cyber Essentials certification entitles your organisation to £25,000.00 FREE Cyber Insurance cover backed by the UK Government. Terms & conditions and an excess of £1000 apply.
What ongoing monitoring and activity takes place?
- The CyberSmart app runs on all internet exposed PCs and checks that several critical tasks and conditions are functioning correctly. A dashboard on the manager’s PC shows the status of each PC, and, in addition, a similar dashboard to available to Sawted. Sawted can track and help correct any insecurities found.
- The app also delivers brief training modules. The modules are interactive and fun to complete. A quiz takes place at the end of each module which requires a pass rate of 80%. The app expects you to complete just one training module each month, but there is nothing to stop you from taking more than one module at a time or indeed retaking modules at a later date. In addition, the training modules undergo a continuous updating process to keep abreast of current threats and best practices.
What else is available?
We can also provide a Password Manager so that you don’t have to remember different passwords for different sites you access. One of the most significant risks of Cyber Fraud is using the same password for multiple sites, because if one is compromised, all are compromised. You can read our blog on passwords here:
So, what is in it for the club?:
You show your key stakeholders, your members and suppliers; that you take protecting their personal information seriously for about the cost of a member’s annual membership fee. You are also educating your staff to be more cyber aware, which helps them protect the club against cyber-attacks and helps them take care of their cyber security in their private lives.
What does it cost?
The cost depends on the size of the club’s administration and the number of staff and committee members that have access to the club’s systems. Just get in touch, and after a brief chat, we will be able to provide you with a quotation.
Drop us a note to and we’ll get back to you ASAP.